
Established professional development solutions for the modern day tech workforce.


Experience an increased sense of belonging from our programming


Make connections that advance their personal & professional goals


Would recommend WITPGH programming and services to others

A New Era of Professional Development

Women In Tech PGH is a social impact agency that uses established solutions backed by both institutional and community research to develop and sustain a robust technology workforce. Our frameworks ensure that candidates in our programs don’t just know the skills, but also know how to be good employees so that they can contribute in meaningful and efficient ways. 

Our Partners

Our Story

This video was sponsored by the Full Circle Nonprofit Accelerator, a program of SVP Pittsburgh and The Equity | Impact Center.

2023 Annual Impact Report

WITPGH is not just a community or upskilling program. It is a comprehensive means to reinvent the systems and frameworks that never had women in mind in the first place. Explore the strides we made in 2023.

2024 Strategic Goals

CONTINUE TO Lead in Professional Development

We are committed to maintaining our position at the forefront of the industry by prioritizing innovation, ongoing research, adaptability, and a people-centered approach in all our work.

Share research insights

Support the comprehension of strategic tools, models, and accumulated data among industry leaders and curriculum designers, aiming to significantly influence and sustain the broader ecosystem of technology professional development.

Affirm Through Tailored Learning

Empower learners by offering adaptive educational resources and programs that recognize the gaps in today’s industry and nurture their distinct talents and needs with realistic in demand skillbuilding and personalization.

SUPPORT circular Community

Ensure long-term success and sustainability by providing continuous support and resources that help individuals navigate their careers effectively post-program aligning our commitments to prioritizing community.